This is the future. Teachers and parents benefit when schools offer video meetings (as well as or) instead of in-person parent-teacher conferences.

Evenings run exactly to schedule. No more over-running or missed appointments. A countdown timer shows teacher and parent how much time they have left before switching them automatically to their next appointment.
Record increases in parental attendance and inclusion. Removing barriers such as, distance, work commitments, access to transport and mobility concerns creates historic levels of attendance.
New: Offer a ‘Hybrid’ of in-person and video meetings. Schools can easily set up blocks of time for different types of meetings – video or in-person. This allows schools to implement all the benefits of video meetings, lower barriers to access, while also offering in-person meetings to those who prefer. It’s the best of both worlds.
Improve welfare concerns. Ideal for social distancing, but also where teachers want to work from home, or to provide teachers with the flexibility to choose their appointment times.
Multiple parents and teachers. Multiple parents/carers, teachers and translators can join the same video meetings, all from different locations and using multiple devices.
No need for ‘walking time’. A gapless schedule means more appointments can be fitted into a shorter time.
Increased privacy for parents and staff. No fear of conversations being overheard as with traditional on-site evenings.
Huge time saving. No need for admin staff to set up all the video meetings using Zoom, Teams etc. (An average primary school has around 1,000 parent evening appointments annually. An average secondary has around 8,000! It would take around 8 hours to set up 1,000 individual video meetings without our software!)
1-to-1 meetings. Can be set up for selected parents, as and when required. Ideal for follow-up meetings, pastoral care, SEND, Support for Learning, careers, and even for teachers to organise their own parent meetings (separate or as an alternative to bigger parents’ evenings).